Extend pipe past end
Nick Kallen
Nick Kallen
Agee - Some way of specifying a pipe extension, perhaps as a % of the total length of the path would eliminate the tiny slivers when cutting sheets. A 1% extension from my experience would make it possible to cleanly cut lofted sheets without manually extending the end caps. Or maybe use mouse wheel to extend the end caps in 1% increments.
Simon Gatrall
Seattleite: Often if you just use the diameter of the pipe, it's a good amount. Of course you might have the pipe intersecting the edge at more than a 45° angle, you'll need more than 1⨉D. 2⨉D should be more than enough for the vast majority of cases. Unless the extension really goes crazy, there's not much harm in "over" extending.
People use pipes for other functions, so I would want the extension to be optional.
Another solution to this would be if you select a series of edges of faces, and use the offset tool, and it would extend the offset curve to the edge of the face, and optionally trim away the faces which were created by offsetting: