In the meantime, you have to do it by eye. It often takes a lot of time to do the right thing. In Figure 1, it seems as if it doesn't matter (done by eye). But in fact, this is not the case
This is also necessary for such cases when it is necessary to accurately
A very necessary function, I would say basic. I am looking forward to its implementation
we need this
Need an additional option in fillet menu,to lock to edges and meeting fillets
Venelin Golev
+1 Me too!
Oliver Hecke
Yes please
Vitaly Rusov
Simon Gatrall
In other tools this would be called a "full round". They also enable conical rounds because the picks are 3 surfaces not two edges, and they don't care if the inputs are flat faces.
Norbert Geelen
Simon Gatrall: +1 for this. Might be worth opening a separate request?
Chris Keller
Simon Gatrall: exactly - a full round either by selecting the opposite edges are by selecting the consumed face and the bounding faces. either way - this is something that I've used a lot in the past (Creo/SW/Fusion etc)
would go hand in hand with the fillet tool's behavior on curves as well.
nooby dev
Chris Keller: i think you can create a full round my clicking on a tangent flat face before committing
Chris Keller
nooby dev: please explain, this did not work or I am misunderstanding what you are saying.
I am aware that clicking on any cylindrical surface or existing round will copy the radius.
I was not able to figure any combination of clicking surfaces that would do as Simon illustrated above.
nooby dev
Chris Keller: in reference to this guide https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CvNmESzNoEE&pp=ygUTUGxhc3RpY2l0eSBjeWxpbmRlcg%3D%3D
I am not sure if it works on cubical shapes 🤔
EDIT: oh right i see you have already tried this and it didn’t work 😅
In that case. You can always delete the problem faces >> add parallel curves >> activate patch holes tool using the curves as guides
Chris Keller
nooby dev: yeah that does not solve the problem gracefully, hence this feature request. full-rounds are old-school common place and, imo, should be included. but they may be complicated if the consumed surface doesn't have a consistent width maybe.