Option to define arrays by repeat distance
At them moment it is not possible to define a rectangular array by the distance between each repeated instance. It would ideal if one could do this this for each axis. This would be incredibly useful as at the moment if I want an array of as many possible copies of an object that fits within a certain area with a certain separation, I have to manually calculate the extent of the largest array that will fit within that area with said separation.
For radial arrays, as far as I can work out, there is the similar issue that it is not possible either to define an array by the distance or, more usefully, by degrees of separation between each repeated instance. The UI seems to display the separation distance for radial arrays, and it is possible to give numerical input, but said input does not have any effect on the subsequent array. Similarly to rectangular arrays, currently, if I want a radial array of as many copies of an object that fits within a certain number of degrees along an certain arc with a certain angular separation, I have to manually calculate the angular extent of the largest array that will fit within the arc with said separation.
Adding separation distance to curve arrays is also conceivable, but I am sure there would be multiple ways to do this.
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Nick Kallen

Tom Lai
the fact the extent point is determined by the center of the arrayed object is a bit annoying as that may not be always visible. What if there was F style Freehand command that allows us to choose the point use as the start and end point of the geometry we wish to array. For example, the base of a cylinder rather than the centre, because I will not have a snap point to the corresponding Centre at the array end point.

Tom Lai
Arrays symmetrically from a defined center would be a nice touch.

Nick Kallen
Merged in a post:
spacing between object in curve array tool

Ignacio Guajardo
spacing option in the curve array tool

Nick Kallen
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Rectangular Array - UI/UX Improvements
Dominik Lange
While the Rectangular Array is workable it currently lacks some features that could make it much more user friendly for different situations:
- Have a toggle between total length (all array items combined) and length per item. In scenarios where you want the items to be spaced exactly X apart, you have to do the math yourself and recalculate when you change the item amount.
- Ability to change pivot position, in case you want the array to match an axis that is not x,y or z, or in case you want to use a different point as a reference that is not the center of the item your arraying.

Nick Kallen
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A rectangular array like Blender

Shook By
I think the rectangular array needs improvement because its controllability is too low. For example, when I need to tightly connect the objects after the array and merge them into the mesh I need, I cannot obtain accurate results. Or when I need to accurately adjust the distance between objects after array, it cannot be achieved.
Refer to the rectangular array in Blender.

Nick Kallen

Michal Macko
Bump <3 Would love this also.

This would be good... specify spacing rather than number of objects, computer works it out. You'd have to account for edge cases though, what if they don't fit equally do you favor the start/middle/end etc.