Selection window
Is this not solved by holding LMB and scrolling the mouse wheel until you get the selection you want?
Tom Lai
Clayspace why is this not documented?
Tom Lai I don’t know. I don’t work for Plasticity 😁
Nick Kallen
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Spot Duplicates in the same exact position
Archiplan Services
When two or more duplicated curves/sheets/solid are active and on the top of each other in the same exact position, it would be great to have a warning message or to hightlight those bodies or curves in the viewport/outliner while selecting them. This would avoid failure when using a tool/command and not knowing what's going on.
In Siemens NX for example, there's an Analysis/Assembly Clearance command to perform the analysis that gives a hint of where possible overlappings can be.
Has happened to me more than once :)
Nick Kallen
Jose L Cuevas
+100, I miss this also...
Nick Kallen
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Section helper
Gabriele Gelfo
A tool that virtually cuts the model to check overlapping geometries. See Shap3r, Spaceclaim and many other cad programs.
Nick Kallen
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Drop Down Menu for Faces
Defcon Art (DefconCreation)
A similar drop down menu like in Fusion when you hold left click on faces to let you choose which face you want to select would be cool.
Gregori Vorontsov
I use this in Fusion 360 quite a lot, and Rhino has a similar feature. Would be very useful! In Fusion it works in the context of everything: Points, Edges, Faces, Solids, even Construction Planes and more but you have to hold down LMB for it to show up, not sure how Alias does it.