Split Viewport
Alexey Demidov
yes please! I tried rhino once and it was actually so nice to have this
Ali Kaztro
It would be awesome if we could have the option to use multiple views in Plasticity
Benz BarcelonA
option to have new window, which we can use the second monitor.
Nick Kallen
Merged in a post:
Multiple Viewports
Nicholas Fox
A great feature of 3ds max, Rhino etc. is the ability to display multiple viewports showing various aspects of your model. You can seamlessly model from one viewport to another, which is great in terms of productivity. The current 'fixed' views (Front, right, top etc) in Plasticity are not all that stable as there is no locking of the view and they can jump out of their 'fixed' position following a left or right click on the screen. This needs to be fixed so that it doesn't happen.
ETA 2024!
Tim Goymerac
A 4th viewport toggle shortcut (3D) is fast.
Tim Goymerac
Common to plans are viewports Front, Side, Top, and 3D, similar to MOI.
Cengiz Mardin
Do you mean something like this: https://plasticity.canny.io/feature-requests/p/split-viewport, but with the added ability to lock the view?
Nicholas Fox
Cengiz Mardin The same as Rhino/Autocad/3ds max etc. where you have control over the number of viewports.
Nick Kallen
Luis RC
Yes please!
It would be great to have the capability to toggle between a full screen single view (like in current Plasticity) and four multiple views with Ortogonal Top, Front, Side and Perspective like in Rhino. Sometimes it's just easier to work with multiple views at the time.
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