full round fillet
Gustavo Dutra
Something similar to what fusion has. Currently you need to be very cautious and do it by hand.
Would be nice to save time with this.
Link for examples
Nick Kallen
Gustavo Dutra
Nick Kallen Hell yeah
Tom Lai
Nick Kallen Something similar for 2D curve geometry?
OR atleast a limiting to maximum possible fillet rather than overshooting and failing to a zero fillet state
Simon Gatrall
Nick Kallen This one is complete. Thanks!
Marco Antoniazzi
A possible duplicate of https://plasticity.canny.io/feature-requests/p/fillet-clamp-overlap
Gustavo Dutra
Marco Antoniazzi: Thats definitely not what i meant pal...
Marco Antoniazzi
Gustavo Dutra: Are you sure that with a "Clamp Overlap" option of two cylindrical fillets you don't get a full round fillet?
Gustavo Dutra
Marco Antoniazzi: The last time i tried you would not.
Currently my workaround is to simply insert a sphere model and click the surface of when you're fillet-ing your object. The fillet will adapt to the sphere's full roundedness without having to meticulously adjust by hand.
Gustavo Dutra
Paraplasticity: Eh... Still feels like a time consuming way
Thomas Parel
Paraplasticity: Yeah- it sort of works- but as soon as you have angles involved or curved surfaces... or anything other than an extruded rectangle- you need a full round fillet command