Keep Pivot
Thomas Pasieka
I would say it's rather crucial to retain/save the "Pivot" of an object once moved. Currently it is being reset to it's bounding box which makes it annoying and time consuming because you have to set it where you want it to be every time you select/deselect the object. This makes testing certain designs more time consuming.
Nick Kallen
Nick Kallen
in progress
Tom Lai
Please think about implementing nested Pivots for GROUPS and SUBGROUPS and Bodies/etc while you are developing the new fundamental pivot feature.
Tom Lai
Sketchup has a simple Component implementation that allows for the positioning of the Transform Gizmo. Plasticity should look at that.
Actually Plasticity should learn a lot from how the Sketchup interface worked. Plasticity is the new Sketchup.
Nick Kallen
Merged in a post:
Preserve Pivot / Rotation Toggle
Preserve the pivot and rotation of an object instead of resetting it after committing the action.
Daniel Alderson Smith
MOI has a killer Dynamic-Pivot feature where you can grab an object by a point or edge (or the center of a surface) within it, and then that point or line becomes the pivot location, which is excellent for quickly placing objects with snapping or rotating from a point. Would love to see this functionality as an extension of this feature.
--This already exists as freestyle--
Nick Kallen
Marco Antoniazzi
This is similar to:
I think the solution is to have the same function for all transformations. A "Transform" function, you can change modes with the same keys
At minimum this needs to be a thing during multiple operations, if I want to more, rotate and scale and object I don't want to have to snap the origin point on every operation.
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