Nick Kallen
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Flow Along Curve (wrapping geometry)
Model Engineer
Take a pattern made on a face or solid and project along a curve (or ideally, another face) with some way to have features normal to surface. Used for handgrip patterns or rings.
Nick Kallen
The new Deform command provides flexible freeform deformation capabilities.
Thomas Parel
Nick Kallen awesome awesome awesome.
Could you also create a lattice deformation mode as well?
This would provide for a very useful UX variant of the current math.
Glen Miller
I've posted this elsewhere on a similar feature request but this has higher votes: So, to repeat: I simply look forward to the day I can lay out some panel lines, some Droid doors, or anything else. Start with a layout of details inside a square. Click preview and select the direction and wrap method (sphere, cylinder, or sheet around this shape to be sliced/wrapped. Then the user would see if what is projected is too wide or too tall on the target geometry... AND IF IT IS let the user fix it using the scale or rotate function. Once it's good - run final function and smile! The lines from the layout have been sliced onto the surface of the other model.
Nick Kallen
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Bending and other deformers
Александр Арзамасцев
There is a bend in Autodesk Inventor. It seems to me that artists just love them bend something, change the proportions of the object and the silhouette...
Sometimes you really want to have deformers, I don’t know how possible they are, but bending is already in other CAD software)
Therefore, if plasticity is CAD for artists, then we need such tools
Nick Kallen
Nick Kallen
Merged in a post:
Twist, bend, taper, bulge, lattice modifiers
Gabriele Gelfo
3d parametric (non destructive) modifiers
Metin Seven
I'd love this too. Ideally, deforming solids, surfaces and curves, with (preferably non-destructive) deformers like bend, twist, taper and/or FFD lattice.
Thomas Parel
Is this a complex feature? Rhino has a very workable implementation.
Marco Antoniazzi
Nick Kallen
Merged in a post:
Make tool like surface deform in Blender
Tool to bind one geometry(maybe more) to another, for bend, change topology with many objects just using 1 mesh
Also for modification like that we need to combine many objects to 1 solid, without boolean operations
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